Saint Ignatius High School
Planned Giving
  • Your gift will help Saint Ignatius High School fulfill its mission
  • You will enjoy a wide variety of tax benefits
  • You will give back to the causes that mean the most to you
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How to Give

How to Give

Giving to our cause can be done either directly or through a gift model that can provide tax benefits and even income. Click on a gift model below to learn more.

  • Bequest
    You designate our organization as the beneficiary of your asset by will, trust or beneficiary designation form.
  • IRA Rollover
    Usually when individuals take distributions from their Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), it counts as income for tax purposes. An IRA charitable rollover, also called a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), is an exception. Individuals age 70.5 and older can distribute up to $105,000 each year from their IRAs to their favorite 501(c)(3) without counting the distribution as income.
  • Charitable Gift Annuity
    You transfer your cash or appreciated property to our organization in exchange for our promise to pay you fixed payments (with rates based on your age) for the rest of your life.
  • Charitable Remainder Unitrust
    You transfer your cash or appreciated property to fund a charitable remainder unitrust. The trust sells your property tax free and provides you with income for life or a term of years.
  • Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
    You transfer your cash or appreciated property to fund a charitable remainder annuity trust. The trust sells your property tax free and provides you with fixed income for life or a term of years.
  • Charitable Lead Trust
    You fund a trust that makes gifts to us for a number of years. Your family receives the trust remainder at substantial tax savings.
  • Sale and Unitrust
    You give a portion of your property to us to fund a charitable remainder trust, when the property sells you receive cash and income for life.
  • Bargain Sale
    We purchase your property for less than fair market value. You receive cash and a charitable deduction for the difference between the market value and purchase price.
  • Give It Twice Trust
    You provide your children with a stream of income while making a gift to charity.
  • Life Estate Reserved
    You give your property to our organization but retain the right to use the property during your life.