Saint Ignatius High School
Planned Giving
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Donor Stories

Donor Stories

Learn how others have made an impact through their acts of giving to our organization and others.

  • A Gift That Will Keep On Giving
    John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, George Gund, Bill Gates, Chuck Adler '75, and David Leszcz '83. What do these men...
  • Insuring the Future
    Romanello often travels across the country for conferences attended by top financial advisors. Several years ago, he met...
  • Chris Schraff '65 - Spirit of the Law
    In 1961, Chris Schraff was a freshman at Saint Ignatius-and the world was a different place. "It was the calm before the storm," Chris recalls. "We weren't...
  • Martin J. Stock '80 - Honor Thy Father
    Imagine endowing a scholarship at Saint Ignatius while you're still paying your own children's tuition. Sounds like a leap of faith… or insanity?
  • Robert J. Zavagno, Jr. '82 - Like Father, Like Son
    "My dad always said, 'you have to get the best education - this is America!' So in 8th grade, he told me I was going to Saint Ignatius… because it's...
  • Bill Kurzenberger '65 - "Typical Kid" Dedicated to Excellence
    Looking back at his student days, Bill Kurzenberger '65 says "I was nothing special - not an athlete or great scholar. I was a typical kid… and no...
  • Dave Poplar '87
    Dave Poplar was a 1987 graduate and benefactor of Saint Ignatius High School. Dave's strong values for self-improvement, kindness, charity.